
RAVE (Robinson AVEnue): full of praise, celebration, delight

Christ Centered

We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We engage students where they are in their life, allowing them to develop and explore their faith in a Christ centered environment to prepare them for the world around them.

Life Together

The best way to remain strong in your faith is to surround yourself with a community of others who are trying to grow closer to Jesus every day.

Living for God

We’re teens who are learning to live our faith and put God first. We worship, serve and spend time together being ourselves and having fun.

RAVE exists to make disciples

We model our approach based on the way Jesus shared his Father and empowered his followers to show him to the world.

1 Connecting

Students begin their journey with Jesus by committing to spend time together with him and other disciples. This foundation ensures their faith lasts through the ups and downs of life.

Complete by attending 4 weeks in a row.

2 Growing

Students develop a consistent devotional life with God and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus as they learn, apply and live with him and others.

Complete by maintaining a prayer journal for three months and attend a weekly study with Caleb.

3 Serving

Put your faith into action by serving others.

Complete by applying here, meeting with Caleb, developing your own personal ministry for 8 months. Use this Ministry Booklet to track your progress.

4 Leading

Students who have been transformed pass on what they have learned by teaching and making disciples of others.

Student Leaders complete by maintaining personal ministry from step 3, partnering with Caleb, the youth ministry team and volunteers to plan lessons, retreats and activities. Work with Caleb and other Student Leaders to disciple RAVE and the community around us.