Visit us

Being here feels like coming home

We serve an amazing God. He loves when we gather to glorify him as a family.

When you visit and experience God, we want you to feel like you got a letter from home; it’s familiar. You’ll find a place to connect with real family. A place where folks of faith in Jesus meet together to worship God and develop loving relationships.

The first hour, enjoy a Bible class where you can engage with God’s word in a challenging and warm environment.

During the next hour we worship with praise in song without instrumental accompaniment, we pray, take the Lord’s Supper and listen to an encouraging and comforting message from God’s word. In both the Lord’s Supper and our offering, don’t feel obligated to partake. You can simply pass the trays along.

What will my kids do?

When you arrive, we’ll help your children find an age-appropriate Bible class where they can engage with God’s Word in a loving and fun environment.

Just before the message children from age 3 through 6th grade can leave to attend an age appropriate worship period. Also, during worship, an attended nursery is available for ages 2 months through 23 months.

Where can I learn more?

We’ve answered 20 questions we often get here.

Here’s what some of our family say about their experience

A place where folks of faith in Jesus meet together to worship God and develop loving relationships.

A close knit family where I can personally thrive spiritually and socially while helping everyone else to thrive as well.

A place where I can grow my relationship with Christ alongside people who love me and want the best for me.

Uplifting, supportive, encouraging.

I think of warmth, happiness, encouragement, love and judgement free.  This is the family we choose to be with for eternity.

People are genuinely friendly and willing to serve others

Christians that take the time to listen, really listen, without being judgmental, and without gossip or backbiting.

Accepting people where they are at in their walk. There when you need a family. Sincere desire for understanding the real human being God created, not just the smile.

I feel a sense of belonging and love.

We're just like you

Robinson Avenue Church of Christ

1506 West Robinson Avenue
Springdale, AR 72764


Sunday Worship 10:30am